In the 1880’s shearers wielded a lot of influence on our country. Despite us not yet being a single united nation, in the various states where wool growing was the major industry militant unionism arose with great co-operation between the various state organisations.
In those days, shearers and general farm workers were numerous. Wool was the biggest export commodity of most of the states but the working conditions of those who produced this golden fleece were poor. Are we any richer today?
Read more: Shearing in Australia - the Collection
Nearly 30 years has flowed under the bridge since I last owned a dog.
That doesn’t mean that I’ve had nothing to do with dogs.
It means that I’ve had relationships with other people’s dogs as a by-product of the relationship with their owners - some of an intimate nature and some not. But that’s what this series of posts is all about - the behaviour of people and dogs.
At the beginning of March, 2023, I join Monty in celebrating Irish month.
There are many men and women who hail from Ireland and have made lives in other countries over the decades.
Today, I celebrate one woman of Irish heritage and the men who made her life notorious.The woman who was Ned Kelly's mother. I can think of no more fitting person to start our journey.
Read more: Ned Kelly's Mother - a story of a tough life and a tough woman
The Adelaide River Stakes is the name given to the mass exodus of people prior to and following the Japanese air-raid in Darwin on 19th February, 1942. Thanks mainly to an ill-informed statement by a former Governor General, Paul Hasluck, that it is a story full of shame for our national persona, but it is a myth.
The truth is that with much closer examination it was anything but a shameful episode in our most serious year of peril.
General Sir John Monash is one of the truly great Australians. He was an Australian military and civilian leader as well as a great contributor to Australian life. His achievements are outstanding. In my opinion, Monash was not just our most outstanding military leader but our most outstanding citizen of all time.
The achievements of John Monash are so extensive and comprehensive that I cannot condense them into a single post.
We will explore the life of this man, John Monash; from his early years that started with the Gold Rush; how he met Ned Kelly the infamous bushranger; how he turned from a boy to a young man and how he turned from the son of migrants to one of our finest Australians. It is truly a tale worth telling and a story that should be taught in every school across our great country that we call Australia.
One of the most famous and best known characters in Australian folk lore, Ned Kelly was a murderer, bank robber, horse thief and a Robin Hood of the Australian bush. No story is better known amongst Australians than the gunfight at Glenrowan where he and his gang met their “Waterloo”. Up in “Kelly country”, north east Victoria, one still needs to take care of what one says if the topic of the Kellys comes up over a few beers or three. He still has many supporters. If my comments appear to be biased it is because I am.
So how did this legendary bushranger become part of our folklore? This is about a man who is regarded as a larrikin and murderer by some and a hero to others.
These are episides from Against the Wind , a 1978 Australian television miniseries. It is a historical drama portraying both the British rule of Ireland, and the development of New South Wales and Australia. Jon English won the Logie Award in 1979 for "Best New Talent" for his role in the miniseries as "Jonathan Garrett". It was the first major Australian TV production to be broadcast in the United States.
Set during Australia's colonial era over the period 1798–1812, the series follows the life of Mary Mulvane, a daughter of an Irish school master. At 18, she is transported to New South Wales for a term of seven years after attempting to take back her family's milk cow which had been seized by the British "in lieu of tithes" to the local proctor. She endures the trial of a convict sea journey to New South Wales and years of service as a convict before her emancipation and life as a free citizen. During the journey out she makes a lifelong friend of fellow Irish convict, Polly, and in the course of the series we see their friendship continue, Polly's relationship and life with taverner Will Price develop, and Mary's relationship with Jonathan Garrett grows, leading to eventual marriage when both have served their term. Together they face the difficulties of establishing a farm and a young family in the new country, and must deal with the tyranny of the corrupt military running the colony. It is based on factual events of the Garrett Family (as stated in every episode) and the last episode recites what became of the Garretts: they had 5 children and now have many descendants.
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Wednesday May 22
As a young girl, I was instilled with a deep understanding of the importance of…
150 hits
Wednesday May 22
Expectations of the role of the government have been rising steadily over the last decade. They rose…
112 hits
Monday May 20
There just might be 74 million reasons environmental charities ignore eagles and whales, and reject…
143 hits
Monday May 20
What is happening in the US is happening everywhere in the Western world. As the…
111 hits
Sunday May 19
The term anarcho-tyranny, on its face, is an oxymoron, a glaring contradiction. Indeed, it’s the…
141 hits
Saturday May 18
William Golding's "Lord of the Flies," first published in 1954, remains one of the most…
158 hits
Saturday May 18
What is it that makes us remember things from our past and, for some inexplicable…
94 hits
Saturday May 18
The 16/17th May marks this most famous raid of WW2, the destruction of the Ruhr…
130 hits
Saturday May 18
Today's article is about Deception. Lies. Experimentation. Life. Death. Family. Love. Hate and Betrayal. It…
146 hits
Thursday May 16
I remember the days before computers changed our lives. When I was a lad, I…
139 hits
Thursday May 16
As the war raged on the Eastern Front, the Soviet Union was in dire need…
147 hits
Tuesday May 14
I am proud to pay tribute to a testimony to the power of coal. If…
143 hits
Sunday May 12
Some time ago I watched "The Man who shot Liberty Valance " - it should…
160 hits
Saturday May 11
I dedicate this article to the women who fought, died and tragically were lost. Alongside…
106 hits
Friday May 10
The concept of Mother’s Day as we know it in Australia began in the United…
137 hits
Friday May 10
Some time ago, I watched a documentary about a man who, by being a spy,…
121 hits
Friday May 10
" The benefits of government can vary depending on the specific form of government and…
110 hits
Friday May 10
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently put up a defense of its violation of its…
120 hits
Friday May 10
Our WEF-captured Australian Government is attempting to use the device of "violent men" to impose…
164 hits
Friday May 10
Have our Governments become backseat drivers in our lives? Telling us what to do? To…
146 hits
Sunday May 05
On 7 May 2023, Charles Windsor was crowned King Charles III of England and its…
188 hits
Sunday May 05
The Battle of the Coral Sea is regarded by some as the action that saved…
292 hits
Saturday May 04
I remember when I arrived in Australia, all those decades ago, I had an accent…
327 hits
Friday May 03
In 1984, our family was adopted by a cat named Billy. He was a tiny…
372 hits
Thursday May 02
When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a Nurse. I…
270 hits
Wednesday May 01
No, I don’t believe for a split second that suddenly, college students all over America…
251 hits
Tuesday April 30
More than anyone else in history, Karl Marx exemplified trying to fix the world while…
301 hits
Sunday April 28
Each war seems to produce its own under-appreciated heroes who, for reasons that have nothing…
425 hits
Sunday April 28
Many years ago, a beloved mentor told me a story—a parable, if you will—about a…
334 hits
Saturday April 27
Remember the olden days when you made a phone call on what is called a…
342 hits
Saturday April 27
If all satellites suddenly stopped working, the consequences would be widespread and significant. Satellites play…
411 hits
Thursday April 25
A few nights ago, I watched a series on pay TV called " The Mill.…
388 hits
Wednesday April 24
I belong to the group known as Baby Boomers – the ones that were…
349 hits
Wednesday April 24
'So we marched into the sea and when we got out to about waist level…
371 hits
Wednesday April 24
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary…
338 hits
Tuesday April 23
My very first Dawn Service was at St Faith’s Church at Ohinemutu in Rotorua in…
253 hits
Tuesday April 23
The Last Post would be familiar to all Australians from an early age. It is…
333 hits
Monday April 22
Back a while ago, we published an incredibly interesting article about the life of one man…
379 hits
Sunday April 21
The young men who left for war over a century ago were full of hope…
341 hits
Saturday April 20
25 April is a very important day for Australians and New Zealanders. It is called…
337 hits
Friday April 19
A while ago, I watched a movie ( Australian ) called William Kelly's War. It was…
380 hits
Wednesday April 17
When our leaders and politicians sign us up to these global accords, declarations and agreements,…
346 hits
Wednesday April 17
It has been truly said that Australia arrived in Gallipoli as six separate States and…
348 hits
Tuesday April 16
Cats have been a part of ocean going ships since time immemorial being needed to…
429 hits
Sunday April 14
In 1942, my late Uncle was a metallurgist in Papua New Guinea. At the height…
425 hits
As a young girl, I was instilled with a deep understanding of the importance of…
150 hits
Expectations of the role of the government have been rising steadily over the last decade. They rose…
112 hits
There just might be 74 million reasons environmental charities ignore eagles and whales, and reject…
143 hits
What is happening in the US is happening everywhere in the Western world. As the…
111 hits
The term anarcho-tyranny, on its face, is an oxymoron, a glaring contradiction. Indeed, it’s the…
141 hits
William Golding's "Lord of the Flies," first published in 1954, remains one of the most…
158 hits
What is it that makes us remember things from our past and, for some inexplicable…
94 hits
The 16/17th May marks this most famous raid of WW2, the destruction of the Ruhr…
130 hits
Today's article is about Deception. Lies. Experimentation. Life. Death. Family. Love. Hate and Betrayal. It…
146 hits
I remember the days before computers changed our lives. When I was a lad, I…
139 hits
As the war raged on the Eastern Front, the Soviet Union was in dire need…
147 hits
I dedicate this article to the women who fought, died and tragically were lost. Alongside…
106 hits
The concept of Mother’s Day as we know it in Australia began in the United…
137 hits
Some time ago, I watched a documentary about a man who, by being a spy,…
121 hits
" The benefits of government can vary depending on the specific form of government and…
110 hits
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently put up a defense of its violation of its…
120 hits
Our WEF-captured Australian Government is attempting to use the device of "violent men" to impose…
164 hits
Have our Governments become backseat drivers in our lives? Telling us what to do? To…
146 hits
On 7 May 2023, Charles Windsor was crowned King Charles III of England and its…
188 hits
The Battle of the Coral Sea is regarded by some as the action that saved…
292 hits
I remember when I arrived in Australia, all those decades ago, I had an accent…
327 hits
101 hits
No, I don’t believe for a split second that suddenly, college students all over America…
251 hits
More than anyone else in history, Karl Marx exemplified trying to fix the world while…
301 hits
Each war seems to produce its own under-appreciated heroes who, for reasons that have nothing…
425 hits
Many years ago, a beloved mentor told me a story—a parable, if you will—about a…
334 hits
If all satellites suddenly stopped working, the consequences would be widespread and significant. Satellites play…
411 hits