Sky News host Andrew Bolt has criticised the appointment of former Labor advisor Samantha Mostyn as Australia’s next Governor-General. Ms Mostyn will be sworn into the role on July 1, taking over from David Hurley who has been serving as the country's Governor-General since 2019.
Mr Bolt hit out at the gender equality advocate for jumping on almost “every hobby horse of the new left”. “A second-tier functionary of the new left, chosen by a socialist left Prime Minister to – and this is the joke – be the governor-general. A unifying, supposedly, and apolitical, supposedly, figure representing us all,” Mr Bolt said. “Someone to act as our neutral umpire, totally impartial, in a constitutional crisis.
“Standards have fallen, haven't they?”
Thousands of solar panels in the Needville area were destroyed in a heavy hail storm on March 16 and residents are concerned about possible chemical contamination. FOX 26's Randy Wallace reports more after speaking to community members.
Business in The Australian Senate is engaged with madness from a Greens Senator over clocks in Parliament that tick!
Sky News host Chris Kenny warns Australia’s energy grids are far more “fragile” and "vulnerable” than they should be after thousands of Victorian homes were plunged into darkness on Tuesday. Parts of regional Victoria and Melbourne on Tuesday copped severe weather which brought down power lines, leaving hundreds of thousands of Victorians without power. Victorian Emergency Management Commissioner Rick Nugent warned it could potentially take up to a week for some houses and businesses to get their power back. Mr Kenny said the fragility of the energy grid also played a major role in the blackouts. “That's why there was load shedding, that's why there were widespread blackouts, that's why Victoria was frantically importing power from Tasmania, South Australia and NSW, and it's why the wholesale price in Victoria yesterday hit the market maximum of $16,600 a megawatt hour,” he said. “We always get hot and windy days, these are the days of high demand for electricity, these are the days of bushfire danger, these are what we get in an Australian summer and our system needs to be able to stand up to them much, much better than Victoria's did yesterday.”
Bruce Pascoe’s ‘Black Duck Foods’ charity has almost “burnt through” the $2.2 million in grants and donations received over the past four years, writer Tony Thomas says. Black Duck Foods is a charity that was set up to fund the running costs of Bruce Pascoe’s farm and revive what he describes as traditional food growing. Mr Thomas claimed the charity has only $200,000 left of the “free money”. “Within six months I’d say all that’ll be gone,” he told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “Because it’s losing money at the rate of about a quarter of a million a year.”
The cost-of-living crunch is about to extend to pubs, bars and bottle shops. From Monday, a schooner of beer will set you back an extra 90 cents when the federal government taxes on alcohol are hiked again. The alcohol excise is automatically increased twice a year, based on inflation, with the tax expected to make $7.8 billion this financial year. Australia now has the third-highest beer tax in the world. Finland has the highest, and Norway the second.
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Wednesday May 22
As a young girl, I was instilled with a deep understanding of the importance of…
146 hits
Wednesday May 22
Expectations of the role of the government have been rising steadily over the last decade. They rose…
108 hits
Monday May 20
There just might be 74 million reasons environmental charities ignore eagles and whales, and reject…
136 hits
Monday May 20
What is happening in the US is happening everywhere in the Western world. As the…
108 hits
Sunday May 19
The term anarcho-tyranny, on its face, is an oxymoron, a glaring contradiction. Indeed, it’s the…
138 hits
Saturday May 18
William Golding's "Lord of the Flies," first published in 1954, remains one of the most…
151 hits
Saturday May 18
What is it that makes us remember things from our past and, for some inexplicable…
91 hits
Saturday May 18
The 16/17th May marks this most famous raid of WW2, the destruction of the Ruhr…
127 hits
Saturday May 18
Today's article is about Deception. Lies. Experimentation. Life. Death. Family. Love. Hate and Betrayal. It…
143 hits
Thursday May 16
I remember the days before computers changed our lives. When I was a lad, I…
137 hits
Thursday May 16
As the war raged on the Eastern Front, the Soviet Union was in dire need…
144 hits
Tuesday May 14
I am proud to pay tribute to a testimony to the power of coal. If…
138 hits
Sunday May 12
Some time ago I watched "The Man who shot Liberty Valance " - it should…
157 hits
Saturday May 11
I dedicate this article to the women who fought, died and tragically were lost. Alongside…
104 hits
Friday May 10
The concept of Mother’s Day as we know it in Australia began in the United…
134 hits
Friday May 10
Some time ago, I watched a documentary about a man who, by being a spy,…
116 hits
Friday May 10
" The benefits of government can vary depending on the specific form of government and…
108 hits
Friday May 10
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently put up a defense of its violation of its…
118 hits
Friday May 10
Our WEF-captured Australian Government is attempting to use the device of "violent men" to impose…
159 hits
Friday May 10
Have our Governments become backseat drivers in our lives? Telling us what to do? To…
141 hits
Sunday May 05
On 7 May 2023, Charles Windsor was crowned King Charles III of England and its…
181 hits
Sunday May 05
The Battle of the Coral Sea is regarded by some as the action that saved…
288 hits
Saturday May 04
I remember when I arrived in Australia, all those decades ago, I had an accent…
325 hits
Friday May 03
In 1984, our family was adopted by a cat named Billy. He was a tiny…
368 hits
Thursday May 02
When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a Nurse. I…
267 hits
Wednesday May 01
No, I don’t believe for a split second that suddenly, college students all over America…
244 hits
Tuesday April 30
More than anyone else in history, Karl Marx exemplified trying to fix the world while…
294 hits
Sunday April 28
Each war seems to produce its own under-appreciated heroes who, for reasons that have nothing…
421 hits
Sunday April 28
Many years ago, a beloved mentor told me a story—a parable, if you will—about a…
331 hits
Saturday April 27
Remember the olden days when you made a phone call on what is called a…
340 hits
Saturday April 27
If all satellites suddenly stopped working, the consequences would be widespread and significant. Satellites play…
406 hits
Thursday April 25
A few nights ago, I watched a series on pay TV called " The Mill.…
384 hits
Wednesday April 24
I belong to the group known as Baby Boomers – the ones that were…
346 hits
Wednesday April 24
'So we marched into the sea and when we got out to about waist level…
365 hits
Wednesday April 24
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary…
336 hits
Tuesday April 23
My very first Dawn Service was at St Faith’s Church at Ohinemutu in Rotorua in…
250 hits
Tuesday April 23
The Last Post would be familiar to all Australians from an early age. It is…
331 hits
Monday April 22
Back a while ago, we published an incredibly interesting article about the life of one man…
375 hits
Sunday April 21
The young men who left for war over a century ago were full of hope…
339 hits
Saturday April 20
25 April is a very important day for Australians and New Zealanders. It is called…
333 hits
Friday April 19
A while ago, I watched a movie ( Australian ) called William Kelly's War. It was…
376 hits
Wednesday April 17
When our leaders and politicians sign us up to these global accords, declarations and agreements,…
344 hits
Wednesday April 17
It has been truly said that Australia arrived in Gallipoli as six separate States and…
343 hits
Tuesday April 16
Cats have been a part of ocean going ships since time immemorial being needed to…
427 hits
Sunday April 14
In 1942, my late Uncle was a metallurgist in Papua New Guinea. At the height…
422 hits
As a young girl, I was instilled with a deep understanding of the importance of…
146 hits
Expectations of the role of the government have been rising steadily over the last decade. They rose…
108 hits
There just might be 74 million reasons environmental charities ignore eagles and whales, and reject…
136 hits
What is happening in the US is happening everywhere in the Western world. As the…
108 hits
The term anarcho-tyranny, on its face, is an oxymoron, a glaring contradiction. Indeed, it’s the…
138 hits
William Golding's "Lord of the Flies," first published in 1954, remains one of the most…
151 hits
What is it that makes us remember things from our past and, for some inexplicable…
91 hits
The 16/17th May marks this most famous raid of WW2, the destruction of the Ruhr…
127 hits
Today's article is about Deception. Lies. Experimentation. Life. Death. Family. Love. Hate and Betrayal. It…
143 hits
I remember the days before computers changed our lives. When I was a lad, I…
137 hits
As the war raged on the Eastern Front, the Soviet Union was in dire need…
144 hits
I dedicate this article to the women who fought, died and tragically were lost. Alongside…
104 hits
The concept of Mother’s Day as we know it in Australia began in the United…
134 hits
Some time ago, I watched a documentary about a man who, by being a spy,…
116 hits
" The benefits of government can vary depending on the specific form of government and…
108 hits
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently put up a defense of its violation of its…
118 hits
Our WEF-captured Australian Government is attempting to use the device of "violent men" to impose…
159 hits
Have our Governments become backseat drivers in our lives? Telling us what to do? To…
141 hits
On 7 May 2023, Charles Windsor was crowned King Charles III of England and its…
181 hits
The Battle of the Coral Sea is regarded by some as the action that saved…
288 hits
I remember when I arrived in Australia, all those decades ago, I had an accent…
325 hits
96 hits
No, I don’t believe for a split second that suddenly, college students all over America…
244 hits
More than anyone else in history, Karl Marx exemplified trying to fix the world while…
294 hits
Each war seems to produce its own under-appreciated heroes who, for reasons that have nothing…
421 hits
Many years ago, a beloved mentor told me a story—a parable, if you will—about a…
331 hits
If all satellites suddenly stopped working, the consequences would be widespread and significant. Satellites play…
406 hits