If we believed everything we read, we would probably all be dead. Or worse, vaccinated.
These days, for the vaccinated, it must be like waiting to die every day.
I truly feel sorry for them because they believed in what they were told by the government and the media. But it is not a new phenomenon. It has been with us for a very long time.
The manipulation of truth has been with us since some stupid bugger came up with the idea of having a government.
And we have been fed lies ever since. All veiled and sugar coated in that thing called "Puffery."
Consider this.
Read more: Better to be Slapped with the Truth than Kissed with a Lie
Valentine's Day. The time of year when love is in the air, and florists start seeing dollar signs. But have you ever stopped to wonder how this holiday of hearts, flowers, and overpriced chocolates came to be?
Legend has it that Valentine's Day traces its roots back to ancient Rome. There are a couple of different origin stories floating around, but one involves a Christian martyr named St. Valentine who was executed by Emperor Claudius II for secretly marrying couples against his decree.
Another tale suggests that Valentine was a rebel saint who defied the Emperor's orders and continued to perform marriages in secret because, well, love conquers all.
St. Valentine, the mysterious figure at the heart of Valentine's Day, has captured the imagination of romantics and historians alike. While the details of his life are shrouded in mystery and legend, his legacy as the patron saint of love and affection has endured through the ages.
In Australia and across the world, hard working ants are seeing a plague of grasshoppers - who consume at such a fierce rate of knots that a Canberra parliamentary smorgasbord would disappear faster than a fact in an ABC documentary about climate change.
And a Washington DC or a Wellington Beehive could cut off the food and shut down the bain marie faster than Hunter Biden issuing some pipes to use for rather strange reasons and his father shutting down pipes that could have saved America.
Let us be honest:
Well, I bit the bullet last week. It was time to retire my old " office in a cupboard " and expand my computing needs to a more expansive space.
New computers. Tick. Truck booked to take the old furniture way. Tick. Happy days! Second hand desks bought and ready to be delivered. There was only one problem:
Some poor bugger had to clean out the old stuff and get ready for the changeover.
No wonder I have put it off for twenty years.
Read more: Out With The Rubbish - It is Time to Boot the Cockroaches Out
In the midst of the most terrible time in our history, even worse than Whitlam or WW2, our country is crying out for a Moses to emerge and lead us out of the wilderness. I rate our present plight as worse than WW2 because at least in that era we were all pulling together for the sake of Australia.
This cannot be said today. Leading up to Federation we had such a man. Someone whose name is probably unfamiliar.
Yet, it was people like him who created the Australia that we knew and loved. A country that gave us pride and showed us that a strong back and a good work ethic could start a revolution.
During our Australia Day family lunch Waltzing Matilda came up among the collection of background music and prompted quite a discussion, especially from my two grandson’s girlfriends.
My brood have been raised on a diet of Australiana history and anecdotes so the questions have come mainly from the girlfriends who are both city raised born and bred Australian girls.
Read more: Waltzing With Matilda - the Story Behind the Song
In the 1880’s shearers wielded a lot of influence on our country. Despite us not yet being a single united nation, in the various states where wool growing was the major industry militant unionism arose with great co-operation between the various state organisations.
In those days, shearers and general farm workers were numerous. Wool was the biggest export commodity of most of the states but the working conditions of those who produced this golden fleece were poor. Are we any richer today?
Read more: Australia - Born on the Sheep's Back and the Sweat of the Shearer
Maybe. just maybe, back in 1975, a little baby girl was born in a hospital somewhere, There was a storm, perhaps, at 5.36 am, and she was born. She was a pretty little thing. A bundle of love bound up in a fragile little package called a baby.
As her mother lay there, gazing with wonder into the eyes of this precious child, the father asked " what will we call her? "
The mother said " Shirley. After Shirley Temple " and that was that. Imagine that?
Gazing at an eclipse of the moon many moons ago, I was minded of the magnitude of Creation and my forthcoming interview with the Big Guy upstairs, at which I will have a lot of explaining to do. The following passed through my mind.
According to legend, St Augustine was walking along the beach pondering how in the Blessed Trinity there could be three persons in the one God, when he saw a small boy pouring buckets of seawater into a hole the young boy had dug in the sand. On asking the boy what he was doing, the boy told Augustine that he was pouring all of the ocean into the hole. On telling the boy that which he was trying to achieve was impossible, Augustine was told by the boy that he would pour all of the ocean into the hole before Augustine understood the mystery of the Trinity – then disappeared.
It is a tragedy that Australia forgets to celebrate those who travelled this vast land and gave us the gift that we enjoy today: a life that many used to envy and is being destroyed by ill educated bureaucrats and politicians.
Teachers who no longer teach. Parents who no longer parent. News channels who do not report what is new but simply churn out regurgitated media lies instead of truth.
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Wednesday May 22
As a young girl, I was instilled with a deep understanding of the importance of…
146 hits
Wednesday May 22
Expectations of the role of the government have been rising steadily over the last decade. They rose…
108 hits
Monday May 20
There just might be 74 million reasons environmental charities ignore eagles and whales, and reject…
136 hits
Monday May 20
What is happening in the US is happening everywhere in the Western world. As the…
108 hits
Sunday May 19
The term anarcho-tyranny, on its face, is an oxymoron, a glaring contradiction. Indeed, it’s the…
138 hits
Saturday May 18
William Golding's "Lord of the Flies," first published in 1954, remains one of the most…
151 hits
Saturday May 18
What is it that makes us remember things from our past and, for some inexplicable…
91 hits
Saturday May 18
The 16/17th May marks this most famous raid of WW2, the destruction of the Ruhr…
127 hits
Saturday May 18
Today's article is about Deception. Lies. Experimentation. Life. Death. Family. Love. Hate and Betrayal. It…
143 hits
Thursday May 16
I remember the days before computers changed our lives. When I was a lad, I…
137 hits
Thursday May 16
As the war raged on the Eastern Front, the Soviet Union was in dire need…
144 hits
Tuesday May 14
I am proud to pay tribute to a testimony to the power of coal. If…
138 hits
Sunday May 12
Some time ago I watched "The Man who shot Liberty Valance " - it should…
157 hits
Saturday May 11
I dedicate this article to the women who fought, died and tragically were lost. Alongside…
104 hits
Friday May 10
The concept of Mother’s Day as we know it in Australia began in the United…
134 hits
Friday May 10
Some time ago, I watched a documentary about a man who, by being a spy,…
116 hits
Friday May 10
" The benefits of government can vary depending on the specific form of government and…
108 hits
Friday May 10
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently put up a defense of its violation of its…
118 hits
Friday May 10
Our WEF-captured Australian Government is attempting to use the device of "violent men" to impose…
159 hits
Friday May 10
Have our Governments become backseat drivers in our lives? Telling us what to do? To…
141 hits
Sunday May 05
On 7 May 2023, Charles Windsor was crowned King Charles III of England and its…
181 hits
Sunday May 05
The Battle of the Coral Sea is regarded by some as the action that saved…
288 hits
Saturday May 04
I remember when I arrived in Australia, all those decades ago, I had an accent…
325 hits
Friday May 03
In 1984, our family was adopted by a cat named Billy. He was a tiny…
368 hits
Thursday May 02
When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a Nurse. I…
267 hits
Wednesday May 01
No, I don’t believe for a split second that suddenly, college students all over America…
244 hits
Tuesday April 30
More than anyone else in history, Karl Marx exemplified trying to fix the world while…
294 hits
Sunday April 28
Each war seems to produce its own under-appreciated heroes who, for reasons that have nothing…
421 hits
Sunday April 28
Many years ago, a beloved mentor told me a story—a parable, if you will—about a…
331 hits
Saturday April 27
Remember the olden days when you made a phone call on what is called a…
340 hits
Saturday April 27
If all satellites suddenly stopped working, the consequences would be widespread and significant. Satellites play…
406 hits
Thursday April 25
A few nights ago, I watched a series on pay TV called " The Mill.…
384 hits
Wednesday April 24
I belong to the group known as Baby Boomers – the ones that were…
346 hits
Wednesday April 24
'So we marched into the sea and when we got out to about waist level…
365 hits
Wednesday April 24
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary…
336 hits
Tuesday April 23
My very first Dawn Service was at St Faith’s Church at Ohinemutu in Rotorua in…
250 hits
Tuesday April 23
The Last Post would be familiar to all Australians from an early age. It is…
331 hits
Monday April 22
Back a while ago, we published an incredibly interesting article about the life of one man…
375 hits
Sunday April 21
The young men who left for war over a century ago were full of hope…
339 hits
Saturday April 20
25 April is a very important day for Australians and New Zealanders. It is called…
333 hits
Friday April 19
A while ago, I watched a movie ( Australian ) called William Kelly's War. It was…
376 hits
Wednesday April 17
When our leaders and politicians sign us up to these global accords, declarations and agreements,…
344 hits
Wednesday April 17
It has been truly said that Australia arrived in Gallipoli as six separate States and…
343 hits
Tuesday April 16
Cats have been a part of ocean going ships since time immemorial being needed to…
427 hits
Sunday April 14
In 1942, my late Uncle was a metallurgist in Papua New Guinea. At the height…
422 hits
As a young girl, I was instilled with a deep understanding of the importance of…
146 hits
Expectations of the role of the government have been rising steadily over the last decade. They rose…
108 hits
There just might be 74 million reasons environmental charities ignore eagles and whales, and reject…
136 hits
What is happening in the US is happening everywhere in the Western world. As the…
108 hits
The term anarcho-tyranny, on its face, is an oxymoron, a glaring contradiction. Indeed, it’s the…
138 hits
William Golding's "Lord of the Flies," first published in 1954, remains one of the most…
151 hits
What is it that makes us remember things from our past and, for some inexplicable…
91 hits
The 16/17th May marks this most famous raid of WW2, the destruction of the Ruhr…
127 hits
Today's article is about Deception. Lies. Experimentation. Life. Death. Family. Love. Hate and Betrayal. It…
143 hits
I remember the days before computers changed our lives. When I was a lad, I…
137 hits
As the war raged on the Eastern Front, the Soviet Union was in dire need…
144 hits
I dedicate this article to the women who fought, died and tragically were lost. Alongside…
104 hits
The concept of Mother’s Day as we know it in Australia began in the United…
134 hits
Some time ago, I watched a documentary about a man who, by being a spy,…
116 hits
" The benefits of government can vary depending on the specific form of government and…
108 hits
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently put up a defense of its violation of its…
118 hits
Our WEF-captured Australian Government is attempting to use the device of "violent men" to impose…
159 hits
Have our Governments become backseat drivers in our lives? Telling us what to do? To…
141 hits
On 7 May 2023, Charles Windsor was crowned King Charles III of England and its…
181 hits
The Battle of the Coral Sea is regarded by some as the action that saved…
288 hits
I remember when I arrived in Australia, all those decades ago, I had an accent…
325 hits
96 hits
No, I don’t believe for a split second that suddenly, college students all over America…
244 hits
More than anyone else in history, Karl Marx exemplified trying to fix the world while…
294 hits
Each war seems to produce its own under-appreciated heroes who, for reasons that have nothing…
421 hits
Many years ago, a beloved mentor told me a story—a parable, if you will—about a…
331 hits
If all satellites suddenly stopped working, the consequences would be widespread and significant. Satellites play…
406 hits