Valmae Bech died in prison back in 2008. My only thought at that time was that she had lived longer than she deserved.
Barrie Watts is still drawing breath and now seeks to be paroled and let " free, " My feeling of horror that this is even being considered is profound.
State Member for Ninderry Dan Purdie expressed anger at Watt's plea and said it sent 'a shockwave through my community, police and Sian's family.'
'All – including her parents who I spoke to again this morning – have grave concerns for the persons living in any community in which Barrie Watts may be released into,' the Courier Mail reported.
Mr Purdie said Watts deserved to serve his entire life sentence in prison.
'If Watts is given parole, what precedent would this set? How many others child killers would be released while they still represent an unacceptable risk to the community?' he said.
The Morcombe family have thrown their support behind Sian's family after their 13-year-old son Daniel was murdered and abducted in 2003 by Brett Cowan.
Denise Morcombe tweeted on Thursday calling for the Queensland Parole board to not free Watt's from prison.
'You cannot be serious QLD Parole Board even thinking about letting Barrie Watts out – the child killer!' Mrs Morcombe wrote.
'The Kingi and Morcombe families say NO NOT EVER.'
There are many of us around the country who share their feelings and while we cannot presume to comprehend their loss and pain , we can share their anger.
The entire judicial system in the western world is broken.
Murdering thugs are treated with compassion and understanding and the plight of the victim and his or her family is swept under the carpet.
When I heard of the adoration being given to George Floyd in America I shake my head in disbelief.
If Barrie Watts is granted parole, what little faith I have in the judicial system will be utterly destroyed.