Around the world, rogue governments are now declaring their own citizens to be hostages under medical tyranny, promising that freedom will be restored if they meet vaccine quotas that require mass injections with experimental gene therapy drugs. (They’re not merely “vaccines.”)
In other words, you now have to “earn” your “freedom” from government tyranny, but the government sets the rules, and those rules are, of course, ever-changing.
As reported by the NY Post, “Six million COVID vaccine shots needed to end Sydney lockdown.” The NSW government is declaring that no one will be free until millions more submit to the deadly, risky injections. This is outright criminal medical tyranny, right in the open, and it’s the kind of tactic that might be used by professional kidnappers who demand a ransom payment to release a few prisoners.
If you comply, they’ll continue to demand more and more ransom payments, holding innocent people hostage in order to maximize their gain.
Now, governments of the world are acting exactly like kidnappers, and they are holding their own people hostage, demanding ever-increasing levels of power and authoritarian control over society, ordering everyone to comply or be arrested (or worse).
We have come to the point of history where governments now behave like criminal cartels, with complete disregard for human rights, the rule of law or constitutional limitations of government power. By screaming, “variants!” they demand absolute authority and control over not just your life but even your physical body. In America, the CDC is even now asserting that it owns your private property and can dictate your private rental contracts.
Full-blown global government tyranny is here NOW, not merely “coming soon.” We are here. There is no longer any question where this heads, and it’s rather obvious to anyone paying attention: Mass global genocide and the culling of humanity by complicit governments.
They’ve declared war on humanity. Anyone pretending this somehow goes back to normal — and that governments will voluntarily strip themselves of all this power in the near future — is living in a delusional fairy tale that will probably get them killed.
New “cases” of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are said to be spiking in the nation of Gibraltar, despite a 99 percent “vaccine” compliance rate.
According to reports, the number of new Chinese Virus cases in Gibraltar has increased by over 2,500 percent since June 1, which is when the country achieved a 99 percent vaccination rate.
Prior to the Gibraltar government mass vaccinating its people for Chinese Germs, the case rate was low and things were normal (see the following graph). After everyone rolled up their sleeves and got injected, however, sickness and death are skyrocketing.
Despite nearly 100 percent of Gibraltar “fully vaccinated” in accordance with government guidelines, the nation is being locked down once again due to the rampant spread of Fauci Flu among the injected.
At least until September, all large-scale public events are being forcibly canceled. The Gibraltar Ministry of Culture and the Office of Civil Contingencies is also urging all private facilities to do the same.
“The Government calls on private bars, restaurants, and nightclubs to be cautious in the events that they hold, to strictly control numbers and to ensure that clients are vaccinated and have a negative COVID-19 test result,” the government of Gibraltar said in a statement.
“At this point in time the Government is not considering introducing legislation to control catering establishments and nightclubs, but this is of course a possibility should cases continue to rise regardless.”
Inventor of mRNA technology fears he might be assassinated for blowing lid on plandemic

After getting “canceled” by Big Tech for speaking out about the dangers of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination,” mRNA inventor Dr. Robert Malone explained that he has an ethical obligation to share what he knows. “This is a fundamental right having to do with clinical research ethics,” he added. “And so, my concern is that I know that there are risks.”
“But we don’t have access to the data and the data haven’t been captured rigorously enough so that we can accurately assess those risks. And therefore … we don’t really have the information that we need to make a reasonable decision.” source
He went on to say “And so, I am of the opinion that people have the right to decide whether to accept vaccines or not, especially since these are experimental vaccines.”
Meanwhile, information is suppressed about existing medications that have long been approved and are extremely effective at treating COVID-19 infections.
The video below is a must watch and I thank King of Hearts for bringing it to my attention - Monty.