Update from Feather 26/09/2019
I follow this site and have once or twice written here. But I have never been moved to write about my Religious beliefs or my Faith before.
Is this what is happening? For those, like me, that believe in the God Almighty, are the lyrics of this old Jimmy Swaggart song more important than ever they have been? Do we have to be so emotionally outraged and, yes, offended, that we cry tears of rage and grief at the passing of our old lives to a new realm of horror? As a God Loving and Christ supporting member of the Human Race that chooses to follow Good rather than Evil I have recently become numbed with pain and unable to comprehend the power of Evil that pervades and swamps our Lands.
My heart is free of hate and full of forgiveness and generosity of spirit. Yet I find my eyes washed with tears and my heart breaking at the thought of what is going on in the world right now. Murder, oppression and suppression. Abortion, child abuse in relation with climate change.In Australia it has
You would have thought that we would have been the last bastion of safety. Australia kills babies? This is outrageous.
I read the articles from Redhead and PR and wept. My eyes full of tears. How could God allow this to happen? How could Our Saviour Christ allow it to happen? Why? What justification, what reason to allow something so disgraceful? I could not understand. Until just now, when I started writing.
Jimmy Swaggart wrote a song entitled “ He washed my eyes with tears “ and I listened to it on a disc I had recently been gifted called “ Gospel Moments. “ that specialises in music for the older folk.
When I listened to the lyrics, I realised that the only way that we can get back to normal is if things get so bad, we as a population rise up and say
I know that Patriotrealm is not a Christian site. And I thank them for letting me post here. There are so many silent Christians who never get a chance to speak on line, unless it is on a Christian site.
But this is not only a Christian issue.
This is a cry out from those who have passed and those yet to pass and those born, yet to be born and all the growing and dying and living and trying to live and the ones surviving, perishing, struggling, gasping for air in a world that is so terribly unfair and unkind that I weep with grief.
We are travellers in this world and our journeys are different. We may travel different paths, roads and in different directions but we all want the same thing. A sense of purpose and a sense that our lives are being well lived.
We all expect roadblocks along the way and we all understand that there will be detours, road closures and landslides. We get on with digging our way out and forging forward with the ultimate goal being that we reach the end with a silent smile that allows us to greet our Maker with a sincere face that says “ I made it to the end of the road and I didn’t hurt anyone to get here. “
It is my sad belief that we are so challenged by the roadblocks, the detours and the wandering in the wilderness that we are so busy crying that we will never get a chance to wipe our tears and see what our God is showing us.
We need to SEE the Evil and FEEL the pain and endure the torment that Christ did all those years ago before we can wash our eyes with tears and see again.
Maybe we have to feel this pain, as did Christ, so that we can finally howl and cry and lament in order to have our eyes washed with tears so that we might see.
Is God sending us this horror so that we can weep the tears, wash our eyes and finally SEE?
If so, and I am going to be flippant here, there are many in our Governments globally who need to go to specsavers.
God Bless You.
He washed my eyes with tears
That I might see
The broken heart I had
Was good for me
He tore it all apart
And looked inside
He found it full of fear
And foolish pride
He swept away the things
That made me blind
And then I saw the clouds
Were silver lined
And now I understand
It was best for me
He washed my eyes with tears
That I might seeI saw the marks of shame
And wept and cried
He was my substitute
For me He died
And now I'm glad He came
So tenderly
And washed my eyes with tears
That I might see.
Words and Music by Ira F. Stanphill, 1955