Well folks I think we have seen it all. This is a plate which folks in an Aged Care Home in South Australia had for Christmas Day dinner. I imagine in their dreams they were back in time when it was a lovely roast of lamb , a tasty stuffed chicken, or even a delicious roast of beef. Roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding , and some lovely green vegetables. Followed by a beautifully decorated Pavlova. Christmas crackers on the table , paper hats, and a glass or two of wine.But wait a minute, what happened, they awoke to a nightmare. Smashed spuds and baked beans. If they were lucky a biscuit and a cup of tea for the sweets. . I bet the so called Carers weren't partaking of that Christmas fare.I must admit that I do not know the ins and outs of these Nursing Homes or Aged Care facilities but we are reading and being made aware that things are not all they are cracked up to be in a great many of them. I have heard that some actually budget on $6.00 a day to feed them. Prisoners in jail eat better and are treated with much more consideration then these poor neglected old timers.These are people who brought us up , who are our Mothers and Fathers. These are the people who made Australia what it is. But somewhere along the line they have been forgotten and it is time we sorted out this dreadful neglect. There are supposed to have been Royal Commissions looking into this problem. Nothing has been solved yet , is it ever going to be? The dreadful neglect has been the subject of numerous articles and still nothing is being done. Come on you people that have some power, get off your backsides and do something.We have read about some old people who have been stuck to their bed or a chair with bodily filth because they haven't been looked after or moved or cared for . To the extent that part of the chair or bed has to have been cutaway to take them to hospital. These are not made up horror stories, these are actual facts!!The only thing I can say about that plate of baked beans and smashed potatoes is that the hand that is holding the plate has a clean finger nail. Perhaps if the local Members of Parliament who represent all of our different areas visited , unannounced , and took dinner with these old timers they might know first hand what they are expected to eat . Notice I do not say enjoy .Christmas dinner! I feel so sorry for all the old folk who have had a nightmare like this served up to them and on behalf of all ordinary Australians I wish that it had not been the case. I also hope there were a few places that did their very best for the folk in their care. I also hope and pray that the year 2020 will bring a big change to the welfare and treatment of Men and Women in all Aged Care Homes and Nursing Homes.Please, Mr Prime Minister , Scott Morrison , put that on your list of urgent things to see to in 2020.![]()